I do know that I'm ready to not be in pain anymore and I'm taking the step in that direction. I know that it's going to get worse before it gets better. I know that the first few weeks after surgery are gonna be pretty rough. Which is the case with any surgery, regardless of what type it is. Surgery is surgery.
I'm kinda worried about my band. On surgery day I'm going to talk with my doctor about it and make sure he doesn't damage it in any way. He has an x ray of it so he he knows where it is, but I still want the peace of mind. Due to the fact they are going in through the front and the back. I don't know why that is either, I will also ask him that. He told me once, but I don't remember it. :) That seems to be my main worry going in to this is that I don't want my band damaged. I trust my doc, but that worry is still there.
I have everything ready to go, except getting my bag packed. Still need to do the laundry and wash up the stuff I'm going to wear while in the hospital and at my mom and dad's for a week. Which will be mostly yoga pants type stuff.
Here is the contact information for the hospital for those of you that are interested:
Menorah Medical Center
5721 West 119th Street
Overland Park, Kansas 66209
Of course, I don't know what room I'll be in yet, but there is the information should any of you want it. I'm sure if you want to call, you can just ask for my room number at the main number. My mom and my hubby will be staying in the hospital with me. I should be in there for about 3-4 days. I don't know if hubby will be staying the whole time, but I know my mom will. It costs 25 bux a day to board the dog, so hubby might come home early to save us some money. He told me that if I wanted him to stay he would. I don't know yet. I do know that I have to make that decision in the next couple of days. He has the time off work for vacation time, so we won't be losing any money that way at least.
I'm finally back on track with my band. When I got my last fill on June 10th I weighed in at 200 pounds. This morning, a little less than a month later I weighed in at 186. Which is amazing! I didn't lose for a few months so it's nice to have such amazing progress in this short amount of time. This morning's weigh in puts me at a total of 61 pounds down. I'm happy with that. Being banded just a little over a year, this is good. I've lost it slowly enough and I'm young enough that hopefully I won't have much sagging skin. Not really worried much about that right now.
Our fourth of July was a total bust. :( It rained all night long. We usually put on a pretty decent display and this year we didn't get to do anything. I was totally looking forward to posting some great pics on here, but alas, not gonna happen this year. A few grounders and some fountains and stuff, but none of the major stuff. The upside is that we'll have it for next year and that's money we don't have to spend. If they last that long. lol
I will be taking my laptop with me to the hospital so hopefully I'll be able to check in. Like I said, I'll be there for about four days, so hopefully I feel well enough to be able to post and check in with you guys and see what's going on with you all.
I guess that's about all I have for right now. Hope you all had a great and safe fourth! Happy posting y'all.
thinking of you and praying for a safe surgery and smooth recovery. :)
I understand your stress/worry--surgery is nerve-wracking no matter how much you trust you doctor! I'm thinking of you, hun (& your band!).
61?!?! That is INCREDIBLE! You are doing great, Erika. Whoo-hoo!!
Sorry your plans for the 4th were rained out. That is always a bummer.
Thinking of you and wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
Good luck with everything.
Sorry about the rain...ours was hotttt...like humid and gone to he!! hot.
I'll be thinking of you this week. Just remember, you'll get to that point where you're in pain after surgery and you'll ask yourself 'Self, what the heck did you just do?!!!' (OK, I have at least...after EVERY surgery I've had)...then you'll smile and remember that the pain you're having will be taking away SO much pain you would have had for years! I'm sure it will all go smoothly and you're one strong woman...you can do this (and Mom will be there for those moments where you need a shoulder)! Post when you're feeling better and I hope that is soon! ((hugs))
I am so glad that the day has come, I know you are ready to get this over with and get back to living. I will be thinking about you and be looking forward to your first post op post. Take care,
Good luck on the surgery. We'll be thinking of you. Maybe you can get hubby to do some posts so we can keep an eye on you!
Good luck with surgery! Sending my thoughts and prayers your way. "If you want the rainbow, you gotta deal with the rain." That's one of my favorite sayings, and it relates to what you said about things being bad before they get better. Let us know how you are doing when you can.
good luck! :-)
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